No. 37 - March 2014 - caceis news 5 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
Seven Capital Management has received an AIFMD marketing passport
Interview of Johann Schwimann, CEO of Seven Capital Management.
as well as the issues raised by the AIFM direc- tive to support the launch of our BlackSnake SICAV SIF fund. As Europe’s leading deposi- tary and fund administrator of alternative in- of outsourcing services for middle and back- received AIFM accreditation. Seven Capital Management has developed a fund management process based on risk analysis that has been awarded “Jeune Entreprise Innovante” (JEI) status by the French Ministry of Research. How would you characterise your fund management models? Our fund management models are 100% quantitative and systematic, and innovative on building up portfolios with a long-bias strat- is fully integrated into the fund management process; and thirdly, a general signals matrix with the use of highly innovative risk signals. - sponsiveness during erratic market phases
asset management companies in France to have received AIFM accreditation in August 2013 and also to have received a marketing “passport”. Do you see this new regulatory framework as an opportunity to develop your international activities? help the marketing of our products in other countries. Obtaining AIFM accreditation ena- bles us to highlight the quality of Seven Capital Management’s structure and controlling bod- ies, and to reach a new kind of client for whom AIFM accreditation is a prerequisite. Furthermore, with changes to regulatory re- quirements and the ban on using swaps and will present a solid alternative to alternative - sure to the initial strategy. Under the AIFM directive, asset manage- ment companies are subject to new require- ments. Which services provided by CACEIS help Seven Capital Management to meet reg- ulators’ demands? We needed a service provider with full knowl- edge of the French and Luxembourg markets,
CACEIS provides custodian and fund administrator services to Seven Capital Management Seven Capital Management has selected CACEIS in Luxembourg as custodian and administrator for its Seven Lux SICAV-SIF fund, whose BlackSnake sub-fund is the rst to be granted a European passport for direct alternative investment fund management. Founded in 2006, Paris-based Seven Capital Management is an independent and innovative management company specialising in absolute performance management. Last August it became the rst alternative investment management from the AMF, the French nancial markets supervisory authority. is authorisation permits it to manage its alternative investment funds (AIFs) within the European Union, and using the cross-border marketing passport, market them throughout EU Member States. Seven Capital Management has also obtained the rst European cross-border management passport enabling it to manage the BlackSnake sub-fund directly from France. Joe Saliba , Deputy Chief Executive O cer at CACEIS group, said: “With a strong presence in Europe, and particularly in France and Luxembourg, CACEIS has developed an overall service o ering for AIFs, no matter what asset classes are involved. We are delighted to work alongside Seven Capital Management as it capitalises on this rst European cross-border passport for direct alternative investment fund management.” company in France to receive AIFM (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) authorisation
CACEIS‘s dedicated solutions for alternative investment products
Fund administration and NAV calculation
Depositary/Trustee and Custody services
Fund structuring & Domiciliary agent
Substance services for alternative UCITS
. A comprehensive depositary bank/ trustee function performed by our risk and compliance experts . Reliable custody services providing settlement and safekeeping of assets worldwide in over 80 markets
. Flexible models for UCITS substance
. Independent valuation of alternative asset portfolios and provision of a global and consolidated view of assets . Accurate and exible performance fee & equalisation calculation service
. Assistance to establish the structure that best meets your investment and distribution needs
. Comprehensive risk management reporting
. Assistance in fund re-domiciliation
. Full domiciliary agent and corporate secretarial services in certain key jurisdictions
Know-How in alternative investments and established track-record
A wide variety of alternative products serviced
Middle-O ce & Risk Analytics
Highly-experienced people to service you
Alternative products accounting for more than 20% of the total assets under custody and/or administration of CACEIS in Ireland and Luxembourg, and for 100% of CACEIS in North America
. Hedge funds; Funds of hedge funds; Futures & options funds; Managed accounts and structured products; Alternative UCITS . Alternative product coverage continuously enhanced to support our clients’ needs
. Exceptional technical expertise to service investment strategies involving leverage, OTC instruments and multiple market counterparts . Active market & regulatory watch, plus participation in main industry committees in all countries where CACEIS is established
. Trade management and portfolio recordkeeping . Performance and risk analytics reporting
Timeline 2014
UCITS V On February 25 th , the trialogue
discussions between the European Council, the parliament and the European Commission on Ucits V reached a consensus. Vote in Plenary expected before the European elections of May 2014.
AIFM EU alternative
EUROPEAN LONG TERM INVESTMENT FUNDS S European Parliament: Vote in Plenary expected before the European elections of May 2014.
managers have up until July 22 nd 2014 to apply for their licence, while non-EU firms managing EU alternative funds need to apply by July 22 nd 2015.
MiFID AND MiFIR European Parliament: Vote in Plenary
committee of permanent representatives, known as Coreper, confirmed the trialogue agreement. European Parliament: Vote in Plenary expected before the European elections of May 2014.
FOREIGN ACCOUNT TAX AND COMPLIANCE ACT will come into force on July 1 st , 2014.
MAY 2014 European Parliament elections.
expected before the European elections of May 2014.
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