4 caceis news - No. 37 - March 2014 products and services OLIS adapts to mobile usage
CACEIS has transformed OLIS into an interactive web portal in order to offer its clients a single way of accessing all of their activities, from any location. C lients benefit from a new architecture and graphical interface tailored to demands of mobile usage. They have an overview of all of their transactions and reports in order to enable them to manage their assets quickly in a flexible and secure environment. A new user-friendly approach OLIS opens on a screen suited for use on both desktop PCs and touch-screen tablets. The welcome screen is the true nerve cen- tre of activities, with a list of reports and dy- namic mosaic blocks that provide the latest information about CACEIS. This screen can
be customised according to clients’ needs. Users can directly access the functions and reports they wish, thereby improving their personal productivity. They can also add several slides to the screen to go from one feature to another without losing previous screen displays and without having to go through the main menu. A single entry point From the business line welcome screen, cli- ents obtain improved visibility and more di- rect access to all information relating to their relationship with CACEIS, including cus- tody services, cash management, treasury, fund administration, depositary services, monitoring of the fund distribution net- work, performance measurement and risk analysis. Currently available features remain inchanged. Clients can continue to use the tool in the same way. OLIS is integrated directly into all of CACEIS’ IT systems, thereby ensuring its re- liability. The site also allows for instructions to be passed on and files to be downloaded.
Customisable reporting CACEIS offers additional services, from re- al-time reporting, covering all types of assets and instructions, which can be downloaded in a variety of formats, to online validation of net asset values. Using the most reliable internet technology, the tool is available 24 hours a day in a fully secure environment. Clients can create re- quests with criteria that suit their activities. Files can be exported on request and can also be programmed in order to generate reports sent to recipients by e-mail with the sched- ule, format (xls, csv, txt) and frequency of their choice.
With OLIS, clients benefit from tools to analyse their assets, ongoing accurate infor- mation, intuitive features and customisable reporting, with in-depth data to help with decision-making. Users can consolidate their information of choice quickly, make checks, understand performances and thereby dem- onstrate the advantages of their investment strategy ■ CACEIS assists
arnaud Misset, Group Product & Solutions Deputy Director, CACEIS
institutional investors with private equity and real estate investments
gilles de foucault, Product Manager, CACEIS
Institutional investors are taking an keen interest in new asset classes that are independent from the volatility of listed markets. CACEIS provides them with services to make it easier to diversify their investments. L ow returns and the volatility of the finan- cial markets over the last few years have led to growing interest among institu- tional investors in unlisted assets. Real estate, private equity and private debt now play a sig- nificant role in the medium to long-term asset management allocation strategies of insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign funds. Controlling financial flows Investments via a selection of private equity funds increasingly take the form of a regular
succession of cash flow dependent on the life cycle of the investments. To manage their li- quidity risk, investors build cash flow projec- tions for each of the funds in their portfolio. Consolidated at the level of an institutional in- vestor and updated as calls for funds and pay- outs occur, these projections help to maintain the actual level of investments (cash at work). Control of financial flows and their recognition is one of the key functions helping to safeguard the creation of institutional investors’ portfolios over the medium to long term. Valuation of unlisted assets Other functions are just as essential, such as valuation of unlisted assets. This meets two aims: obtaining precise information for in- vestors’ accounting purposes and analysing portfolio performance and risks. At the level of an institutional investor, valuation usu- ally requires automated exchanges with asset managers. The implementation of a single tool providing a link between an investor’s assets and commitments also allows for automated adjustment of valuations as calls for funds and payouts are made.
CACEIS enjoys specialist Private Equity & Real Estate Servicing teams and dedicated systems enabling it to support institutional investors investing in unlisted assets across all middle and back office functions ■ “ Control of financial flows and their recognition is one
Performance analysis Full mastery of portfolio data helps to create bespoke periodical reports. Benchmarking funds in the portfolio with their peers, com- paring the performance of investment strat- egies or periods, identifying the strongest performing investment regions or under- standing the maturity of portfolios are all useful areas of analysis for asset managers. Depending on the depth of data, analysis can be carried out on the basis of transparency up to the level of assets held by funds in the portfolio. Risk management Integrating financial flows into internal risk models also allows for models to be created of the composition of the portfolio and meas- urement of the correlation between assets. Furthermore, by creating a model of past rates of return for their portfolio, investors can design scenarios allowing them to simu- late future asset performance and quantify the level of liquidity risk relating to their ini- tial cash flow projections.
of the key functions, helping to safeguard the creation of institutional investors’ portfolios over the medium to long term. ”
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