Nathalie COLLOT 36 years old, is Product
Manager at CACEIS in Paris since 2008. She started her career working for HSBC Global Asset Management in Paris, before joining JP Morgan Futures & Options Brokerage
business in London. She then worked as a management consultant on numerous projects in the asset management, securities services and investment banking fields during a 7-year period. + 33 1 57 78 12 21 nathalie.collot@caceis.com
Hervé SCHUNKE 40 years old, joined CACEIS Luxembourg Private Equity & Real Estate Servicing as Head of the department in early 2008. He started his career in Luxembourg as an auditor for Coopers & Lybrand for 4 years,
before holding during 13 years a number of fund industry positions in custody, fund accounting, transfer agency, relationship management and sales, successively with Brown Brothers Harriman, Credit Lyonnais and CACEIS. + 352 4767 6367 herve.schunke@caceis.com
1-3 place Valhubert 75206 Paris Cedex 13 5 Allée Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg
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