The importance of social media, particularly within the private lives of people, is almost unarguable - especially for the younger generations. Some people dismiss social media as a trendy pursuit with little relevance for the business community. Perhaps this is because a large percentage of the population has had little exposure to social media and, thus, is not privy to its expansive capabilities. But despite somemisconceptions, social media comprise a powerful platform that, when used effectively, can have a tremendous impact on the asset management industry. As the number of internet enabled devices rises, with smartphones and tablets adding to the traditional routes of desktops and laptops, online communities are growing rapidly and social media plays an increasingly important role in the way people communicate and, by extension, the way they do business.
Companies around the world are more and more taking on social media to promote their products and services and to communicate with clients and prospects. According to the Burson-Marsteller Global Social Media Check-Up 2012, 87% of Fortune 100 companies already have a presence on at least one social media website.
60 Seconds in the Social Media
• YouTube – 72 hours of video uploaded
• Facebook – 1.8 million “Likes”
• Twitter – 278,000 “Tweets”
• LinkedIn – 120 new member sign-ups
The “60 seconds in the Social Media” video is available on www.youtube.com/user/CACEISmedia
Source: expandedramblings.com, LinkedIn,Youtube
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