EUROPEAN UNION AIFMD - ESMA publishes updated AIFMD Q&A Background The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Di- rective (“AIFMD”) sets up a coherent framework for the regulation of alternative investment fund managers (“AIFMs”) in Europe. Moreover, the AIF- MD aims at ensuring that AIFMs are able to man- age and market AIFs on a cross-border basis. The European Securities and Market Authority (“ESMA”) has issued and regularly updates a Q&A document aiming at promoting common supervisory approaches and practices in the application of the AIFMD and its implementing measures. It does this by providing responses to questions posed by the general public and competent authorities in relation to the practical application of the AIFMD. The previous update was on 26 March 2015. What’s in there? On 12 May 2015, ESMA published an updated version of its AIFMD Q&A. In this version, 10 new questions and answers have been added. The below covers the main topics tackled by ESMA:
consider actual capital drawdowns and not com- mitments (e.g. for AIFs pursuing private equity strategies).
AML - European Parliament adopts AML4 at second reading Background On 5 February 2013 , the European Commission issued a proposal for a Directive on the preven- tion of the use of the financial system for the pur- pose of money laundering and terrorist financing (“AMLD4”, AVAILABLE HERE) as well as a propos- al for a Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds (“AMLR4”, AVAILABLE HERE) . These proposals largely took into account the lat- est recommendations issued by the FATF (Febru- ary 2012) and aimed at ensuring that the relevant EU law remains fully compliant with international AML standards (notably the FATF recommenda- tions). The two texts have been treated by the EU institutions as an integral package. On 6 February 2013 , the Commission transmitted its proposal to the European Parliament and the Council. On 11 March 2014, the European Parliament adopted its position at first reading on AMLD4 (AVAILABLE HERE) and AMLR4 (AVAILABLE HERE) in plenary session and transmitted its position to the Council and the Commission. On 16 December 2014 , a political agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the Council. On 12 January 2015 , the final Presidency com- promise texts ( AMLD4: AVAILABLE HERE ; AMLR4: AVAILABLE HERE ) were communicated to the Council for debate and adoption. On 10 February 2015, the Council reached a political agreement on the revised texts of AMLD4 and AMLR4. On 20 April 2015 , the Council adopted its position at first reading by approving the AML4 Directive and Regulation. On 27 April 2015 , the Commission stated in a dedicated communication that the position of the Council was in line with the political agreement reached on 16 December 2014.
The full AIFMD reporting rules apply to regis- tered AIFMs opting for the authorised status.
Non-EU AIFMs which total value of assets under management does not exceed the thresholds of Article 3(2)(a) and (b) and which market their AIFs in the Union under a national private place- ment regime should at least report to the com- petent authorities where they market their AIFs the information listed in Article 3(3)(d) of the Di- rective. In this regard AIFMD does not make any distinction between EU AIFMs and non-EU AIFMs. ESMA further states that the reporting frequency of an AIF is not affected by the legal structure of the AIF. It derives therefrom that Each AIF, being sub-funds of the same umbrella AIFs or not, has to be treated separately for the purpose of the reporting obligations (including for the reporting frequency). CALCULATION OF LEVERAGE AIFMs should take into account the absolute value of all the positions of their AIFs valued in accordance with Article 19 of the AIFMD and the criteria laid down in paragraphs 2 to 9 of Article 8 of the Implementing Regulation. For derivative instruments, as required under Article 8(2)(a), AIFMs should convert each position into an equivalent position in the underlying assets using the methodologies set out in Article 10 (which refers to Annex II of the AIFMD imple- menting regulation) and points (4) to (9) and (14) in Annex I of the AIFMD implementing regulation.
When AIFMs are sister companies owned by an- other AIFM, ESMA clarifies that each AIFM should report individually to the NCAs for the AIFs they manage and/or market in the Union. When reporting on subscriptions, AIFMs should
What’s next? The Q&A document is intended to be continuous- ly edited and updated as and when new ques- tions are received.
page 2 - Scanning - June 2015
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