T he Ultimate Degree for Finance Executives EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance London • Nice • Singapore Since 2008, EDHEC-Risk Institute has been offering a unique PhD in Finance programme to elite practitioners who aspire to higher intellectual levels and aim to redefine the investment banking and asset management industries. Drawing its faculty from the world’s best universities and enjoying the support of a leader in industry-relevant academic research, the EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance creates an extraordinary platform for professional development and industry innovation. Following a stimulating scientific curriculum and working individually with leading specialists on research issues of particular relevance to their organisations, practitioners on the programme’s executive track learn to leverage their expertise and insights to make original contributions at the frontiers of financial knowledge and practices. Challenging professionals to step back, reflect, and generate radical innovations, the EDHEC-Risk Institute PhD in Finance is the ultimate degree for finance executives.
Information sessions on: May 16 (Melbourne), May 17 (Sydney)
To reserve your place, email , or call us now on +33 493 183 267 or on +65 6438 9896 Next application deadline: Executive Track: May 30, 2012
EDHEC Business School is accredited by:
EDHEC-Risk Institute 393 promenade des Anglais BP 3116 - 06202 Nice Cedex 3 - France Tel: +33 (0)4 93 18 78 24
EDHEC Risk Institute—Asia 1 George Street - #07-02 Singapore 049145 Tel.: +65 64 380 030
EDHEC Risk Institute—Europe 10 Fleet Place - Ludgate London EC4M 7RB - United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 871 6740
EDHEC Risk Institute–Asia Singapore Council for Private Education registration No.201025256Z from 22-06-2011 to 21-06-2017
PhD in Finance
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