Cross-Border Distribution of UCITS
REUTERS LIMITED , Euro funds look beyond traditional distributors by Andrew Priest, 2 July 1998
STRATEGIC INSIGHT , Alternative and Hedge Fund UCITS through the next decade, 2010
SUPERINTENDENTIA DE BANCA , Seguros y AFP, Evolución del Sistema Privado de Pensiones, Cuarto Trimestre de 2010
SWIFT . Fund distribution costs: The Billion EUR question, SIBOS 2007 . Funds automation for low volume users – Lite, February 2008 . Innovations dans le monde des fonds, May 2008
THE BANKER , UCITS break out of Europe to conquer the world, 2 June 2008
THE ECONOMIST , We make, you sell, 1 March 2008
THE TRADE NEWS , Euroclear buys UK mutual fund order routing network EMXCO, 11 December 2006
WORLD BANK , World Development Indicators - Last updated Apr 26, 2011
Cross-border distribution of UCITS | page 73
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