Cross-Border Distribution of UCITS
Dedicated experts & robust capabilities to serve you
At CACEIS, we work hard to help you successfully market your funds cross-border Distributing funds internationally requires the capacity of asset managers & fund promoters to handle new requirements, should they be legal, operational or even technical. Geographical coverage with sharpened cultural approach is also a key point to ensure close interaction with local authorities, distributors and end- investors. Building a strong partnership with a service provider such as CACEIS that demonstrates expertise in these different areas, has a local presence, the financial strenght, enough flexibility to rapidly overcome all these new challenges and the right technical infrastructure to interact with all the industry players is now crucial for asset managers & fund promoters seeking to control their costs while being able to offer high- quality services.
CACEIS’s dedicated international fund distribution experts are committed to provide you with the best services across the whole value chain covered. They are supported by solid and integrated back office capabilities to manage all operational aspects, as well as a sophisticated fund distribution IT platform.
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