Cross-Border Distribution of UCITS
• Investmentgesetz (German Investment Act) - Chapter 5 – Marketing provisions - art. 121 to 142 - Chapter 6 - Penal provisions, provisions on administrative fines and transitional provisions - art. 144
Source: and
• Federal Act on Investment Funds [Investment Funds Act (Investmentfondsgesetz/invFG) 1993] - Chapter II - Rules concerning the marketing of units of foreign investment funds - section 24 to 32 - Chapter IIa - Freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment - section 32a - Chapter III - Rules concerning the marketing of units of an EEA investment fund - section 33 to 39a
• FMA’s instructions for notifications under Article 30 of the Investment Funds Act (InvFG)
• Guidelines for notifications under Section 36 of the Investment Funds Act (InvFG) – Notification of UCITS
• Collective Investment Schemes Act (« Loi fédérale sur les placements collectifs de capitaux » - LPCC RS 951.31) Titre 1 - Dispositions générales - Chapitre 1 - But et champ d’application - Art. 2 - Chapitre 3 - Autorisation et approbation - Art. 13 to Art. 17 Titre 4 - Placements collectifs étrangers - Chapitre 1 - Définition et approbation - Art. 119 to Art. 122 - Chapitre 2 - Représentant de placements collectifs étrangers - Art. 123 to Art. 125 • Collective Investment Scheme Ordinance (« Ordonnance sur les placements collectifs de capitaux » - OPCC RS 951.311) Titre 4 - Placements collectifs étrangers - Chapitre 1 - Approbation - Art. 127 to Art. 130 - Chapitre 2 - Représentant de placements collectifs étrangers - Art. 131 to Art. 133
• Guidelines on the Distribution of Collective Investment Schemes (self regulation)
• SFBC Circular 03/1 relating to public advertising within the meaning of the Collective Investment Schemes legislation
Sources: and
• Act on Financial Supervision [Wet financieel toezicht] (Wft) Chapter 2 – Market access of financial enterprises - Part 2.2.7. Offering units in collective investment schemes - Section 2:65 to 2:74
| Cross-border distribution of UCITS | Appendices
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