Cross-Border Distribution of UCITS
Article 104 1. Articles 102 and 103 shall not prevent a competent authority from transmitting to central banks and other bodies with a similar function in their capacity as monetary authorities information intended for the performance of their tasks, nor shall those articles prevent such authorities or bodies from communicating to the competent authorities such information as they may need for the purposes of Article 102(4). Information received in this context shall be subject to the conditions of professional secrecy imposed in Article 102(1). 2. Articles 102 and 103 shall not prevent the competent authorities from communicating the information referred to in Article 102(1) to (4) to a clearing house or other similar body recognised under national law for the provision of clearing or settlement services for one of their Member State’s markets if they consider that it is necessary to communicate the information in order to ensure the proper functioning of those bodies in relation to defaults or potential defaults by market participants. The information received in this context shall be subject to the conditions of professional secrecy imposed in Article 102(1). Member States shall, however, ensure that information received under Article 102(2) is not disclosed in the circumstances referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph without the express consent of the competent authorities which disclosed it. 3. Notwithstanding Article 102(1) and (4), Member States may, by virtue of provisions laid down by law, authorise the disclosure of certain information to other departments of their central government administrations responsible for legislation on the supervi- sion of UCITS and of undertakings contributing towards their business activity, credit institutions, financial institutions, investment Article 105 The Commission may adopt implementing measures relating to the procedures for exchange of information between competent authori- ties. Those measures shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure referred to in Article 112(3). Article 106 1. Member States shall provide at least that any person approved in accordance with Directive 2006/43/EC, performing in a UCITS, or in an undertaking contributing towards its business activity, the statutory audit referred to in Article 51 of Directive 78/660/EEC, Article 37 of Directive 83/349/EEC or Article 73 of this Directive or any other statutory task, shall have a duty to report promptly to the competent authorities any fact or decision concerning that undertaking of which he has become aware while carrying out that task and which is liable to bring about any of the following: (a) a material breach of the laws, regulations or administrative provisions which lay down the conditions governing authorisation or which specifically govern pursuit of the activities of UCITS or undertakings contributing towards their business activity; (b) the impairment of the continuous functioning of the UCITS or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity; or (c)a refusal to certify the accounts or the expression of reservations. That person shall have a duty to report any facts and decisions of which he becomes aware in the course of carrying out a task as described in point (a) in an undertaking having close links resulting from a control relationship with the UCITS or an undertaking con- tributing towards its business activity, within which he is carrying out that task. 2. The disclosure in good faith to the competent authorities, by persons approved in accordance with Directive 2006/43/EC of any fact or decision referred to in paragraph 1 shall not constitute a breach of any restriction on disclosure of information imposed by contract or by any legislative, regulatory or administrative provision and shall not subject such persons to liability of any kind. undertakings and insurance undertakings and to inspectors instructed by those departments. Such disclosures may, however, be made only where necessary for reasons of prudential control. Member States shall, however, provide that information received under Article 102(2) and (5) is never disclosed in the circum- stances referred to in this paragraph except with the express consent of the competent authorities which disclosed the information.
page 64 - Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009
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