Cross-Border Distribution of UCITS
(72) The provisions in this Directive relating to the competent authorities’ effective exercise of their supervisory functions covers super- vision on a consolidated basis which must be exercised over a UCITS or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity where the provisions of Community law so provide. In such cases, the authorities applied to for authorisation must be able to identify the authorities competent to exercise supervision on a consolidated basis over that UCITS or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity. (73) The principle of home Member State supervision requires that the competent authorities withdraw or refuse to grant authorisation where factors such as the content of programmes of operations, the geographical distribution or the activities actually pursued indi- cate clearly that a UCITS or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity has opted for the legal system of one Member State for the purpose of evading the stricter standards in force in another Member State within whose territory it pursues or intends to pursue the greater part of its activities.
(74) Certain behaviour, such as fraud or insider offences, is liable to affect the stability, including integrity, of the financial system, even when involving undertakings other than UCITS or undertakings contributing towards their business activity.
(75) It is appropriate to provide for the possibility of exchanges of information between the competent authorities and authorities or bodies which, by virtue of their function, help to strengthen the stability of the financial system. In order to preserve the confidential nature of the information forwarded, however, the addressees of such exchanges should remain within strict limits.
(76) It is necessary to specify the conditions under which such exchanges of information are authorised.
(77) Where it is stipulated that information may be disclosed only with the express agreement of the competent authorities, these may, where appropriate, make their agreement subject to compliance with strict conditions.
(78) Exchanges of information between the competent authorities on the one hand and central banks, bodies with a function similar to central banks, in their capacity as monetary authorities, or, where appropriate, other public authorities responsible for supervising payment systems on the other, should also be authorised. (79) The same obligation of professional secrecy on the authorities responsible for authorising and supervising UCITS and the undertak- ings contributing towards such authorising and supervising and the same possibilities for exchanging information as those granted to the authorities responsible for authorising and supervising credit institutions, investment firms and insurance undertakings, should be included in this Directive. (80) For the purpose of strengthening the prudential supervision of UCITS or of undertakings contributing towards their business activ- ity and protection of clients of UCITS or of undertakings contributing towards their business activity, auditors should have a duty to report promptly to the competent authorities, wherever, as provided for by this Directive, they become aware, while carrying out their tasks, of facts which are likely to have a serious effect on the financial situation or the administrative and accounting organisation of a UCITS, or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity. (81) Having regard to the aim in this Directive, it is desirable for Member States to provide that such a duty should apply in all circum- stances where such facts are discovered by an auditor during the performance of his tasks in an undertaking which has close links with a UCITS or an undertaking which contributes towards its business activity.
(82) The duty of auditors to communicate, where appropriate, to the competent authorities certain facts and decisions concerning a UCITS or an undertaking contributing towards its business activity which they discover during the performance of their tasks in an
page 12 - Directive 2009/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009
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